This blog does contain swearing
Happy Thanksgiving🦃🍁
Earlier That Day

Elvira: *walks up to Grim with her dog Buddy* Hey babe. I brought Buddy with me. I hope that's okay.
Grim: Of course! *Buddy runs up to Grim happily to greet him and give him puppy kisses* I don't mind at all. He's an amazing dog.
Buddy: Ruff ruff!
Elvira: I hope you haven't been waiting long.
Grim: Not at all. I got here about ten minutes ago. My mission ended early.
Elvira: Good work😁
Grim: Thank you love😊 Are you ready for our walk?
Elvira: Yes.. Umm- *opens her mouth to speak further when Grim cuts her off*
Grim: You don't need to ask me. You do this every year. You know what I'm thankful for😌
Elvira: Yeahh.. Me😊 I love you Grim.
Grim: I love you too Elvira. *Grim turns to Elvira and kisses her. Both embrace each other when antsy Buddy snuggles up in between their legs, letting them know he wants to move forward. Both laugh at Buddy and the two hold hands as they walk along the path as colorful fall leaves ascend from the trees*
After the walk with Grim

*Elvira and Grim return from their walk and see Desiree walking with her dress filled with fruits, veggies, and some nuts*
Elvira: Desiree!
Desiree: *turns to Elvira and Grim* Oh, hey guys!
Grim: Need a hand?
Desiree: Since when did you become so nice?
Grim: I treat you nicely. You just hate me and I don't know why.
Desiree: My reasons are a secret😉 But because it is getting close to Thanksgiving, I will be nice as well.
Elvira: Okay well, with that being said what are you thankful for Desiree?
Desiree: Ummm. That's hard. There's a lot that I'm thankful for.
Elvira: Just choose what you're most thankful for😊
Desiree: Okay… Well, I'm thankful for always having crops to feed my family.
Grim: That's a good one.
Desiree: I sense sarcasm.
Grim: Nothing sarcastic about what you're thankful for. It really is a good one.
Desiree: Thanks..🤨
Elvira: *giggles*
Behind Embergear Quarters in the garden, Grim and Elvira leave Desiree to her business and run into Argos

Argos: As you both know I am the next heir to my clan, I must always dress as an elegant mistress to show my clan I am worthy to be their leader.
Elvira & Grim: *look at each other and back at Argos* 😑🙄
Elvira: I asked you what you were thankful for. Not what your outfit represents😑
Argos: Oh😶
Elvira: So, are you going to tell me? If not, I'll make up something that suits you.
Argos: Go ahead and do that. I know you'll pick something nice😌
Grim: *whispers to Elvira* Is she serious!
Elvira: *whispers back to Grim* Yes.. Unfortunately. Just follow me, alright. *walks away and speaks aloud while writing on a piece of paper being held by a clipboard* Argos is thankful for her ego and ego alone.
Argos: What!? No! Change that now! 😠
Elvira: Too late. You already made the decision up to me🤷♀️
Grim: Elvira, make a run for it! I'll distract Argos. I'll catch you later.
Elvira: Thank you babe! *Elvira runs away laughing*
Elvira loses Argos thanks to Grim

Silkut: *finds Elvira hiding between two walls of two separate sheds in the garden* Elvira?
Elvira: *whispers* Shhh! Is it safe? Is Argos around?
Silkut: *looks around and whispers* I haven't seen her.
Elvira: *whispers* Are you sure??
Silkut: *normal voice* Yes, I'm sure.
Elvira: Shfew *wipes the sweat off of her forehead from running* That was close.
Silkut: Why are you hiding from Argos?
Elvira: *explains to Silkut what happened*
Silkut: I see. Well, that's what she gets. She's always all about herself because she's the next heir to her clan. Woop eee🙄 Why is she even on our team?
Elvira: Argos wasn't always like this. Once her father told her she is the next heir, things changed. She joined the team to use her abilities to help other people, now it's all gone to her head.
Silkut: Good lord.
Elvira: Yeahh😑 Tell me about it. Well since I'm here, what are you thankful for?
Silkut: Whoa. That was sudden. Umm. Well, there's a lot I'm thankful for.
Elvira: You can only choose one😜
Silkut: Very well. I'm thankful for my wigs. So, I can cosplay😁
Elvira: 🤨 Don't act like that's the only reason you wear wigs. That's a great thing to be thankful for but you shouldn't have to hide behind them all the time.
Silkut: Can we please not talk about it. Can we please talk about who I'm cosplaying as?
Elvira: Alright. You're ummm.
Silkut: Do you seriously not know?!
Elvira: Well, if it's the person I'm thinking about, you're missing a few items.
Silkut: I know😞 This was all I had.
Elvira: It still looks great Sil. Maybe next year you'll have all the items😊
Silkut: I hope so. I really wanted to look like Violet Evergarden. She's an icon.
Elvira: It still is a great cosplay. You look beautiful. I think Vigor thinks so too. He's staring down from one of the windows *points*
Silkut: 😳
Elvira returns to the Embergear quarters and walks into the main dining room

Elvira: Evalon… What is all of this?
Evalon: It's early Thanksgiving dinner😁 See that it's ham and not a turkey😜
Elvira: I can see that😑 Why? Like this looks delicious and all but why go through the effort?
Evalon: Noiz promised to buy me a boba drink if I made all of this for our team.
Elvira: Wtf.
Evalon: I didn't question him. I got a boba drink.
Elvira: 🤦♀️ What the fuck is my team. Did you at least think of what you're thankful for so I could put it in our team memories binder.
Evalon: Yess😊 I'm thankful for my boobs being big enough to hold my boba drink. See, no hands👐
Elvira: 🤦♀️ I'm leaving.
Evalon: Wait! Elvira! Is that something bad to be thankful for? *chases after Elvira* Hey! Wait! Elvira! I'm sorry😭
Elvira eventually gets Evalon to return to the dining room. Now she heads to the virtual gaming room

*Elvira walks into the room. Noiz turns and sees Elvira*
Noiz: Elvira. Good to see you joining us.
Elvira: Maybe later🙂 I'm finishing making my rounds asking everyone what they're thankful for. Once I'm done I'll join you guys.
Ava: You're still on about that?
Elvira: Yes. So are you going to tell me?
Ava: Let me think about it.
Elvira: You've literally had all month to think about it!
Ava: Yeah yeah.
Elvira:🙄 By the way Noiz. Why did you have Evalon make all that food for our team?
Noiz: I honestly wasn't sure what to make for Thorn so I thought if I paid Evalon in some way, she'll come up with a good dinner.
Elvira: So essentially you're fucking lazy and suck at being a partner.
Noiz: No! I had her make dinner for everyone. It would be rude if I had Evalon just make food just for me and Thorn.
Elvira: VERY!
Noiz: That's why I wanted to include everyone! Our team is also special to me.
Elvira: So what are you thankful for then?
Noiz: Thorn.
Elvira: Figured.
Noiz: Joining your team, having a great team, and virtual gaming.

Ava: Can we play now!
Noiz: You need to tell Elvira what you're thankful for first.
Ava: What the hell! This is bullshit! Thorn is deep into his session! We should be there with him too!
Elvira: You can join him once you've told me. We do this every frikin year, just tell me.
Ava: Fine! What am I thankful for? Virtual gaming! LET'S POP SOME HEADS👌

Thorn: This is so sick! Babe you're right! Virtual gaming is awesome🙌
Elvira: *leans over to Noiz* So you finally convinced him huh.
Noiz: Yup. Proud of it too. Another thing we can enjoy doing together. He's honestly a natural. He won against Ava at Beat Saber.
Elvira: You're kidding!
Noiz: Nope. He's stupidly good at that game. Ava couldn't keep up with him.
Ava: Yeah. It was bullshit!
Noiz: Thorn just has a knack for some games, I guess.
Thorn: *lifts up his Oculus Rift headset* Ava was getting frustrated, so we decided to go back to our shooting games. We're all equally good at those😜
Noiz: For obvious reasons😌
Elvira: Glad to see you're all getting along😊
Thorn: Hurry and finish your rounds so you can play with us!
Elvira: Alright, alright. I will🙂 You're forgetting something though.
Thorn: Forgetting some- Oh! Right! Sorry. I'm thankful for many things but, I am so very thankful for you, my wonderful boyfriend, my team, and virtual gaming😁
Elvira: *finishes writing everything Thorn said and looks over at Noiz* You're a lucky guy Noiz. He's a keeper.
Noiz: You're absolutely right. God damnit he's so cute😌
Ava: This is adorable and all, but can we continue our session please.
Elvira: I'll let you guys get to it. I'll join shortly. *waves*
Ava, Noiz, Thorn: See you soon *all three wave back*
Elvira ventures to the zen room where Cyan is. Setting up a board game

Cyan: Ahh. Elvira. Come join me for a game please.
Elvira: No thanks. You always win.
Cyan: I do not.
Elvira: Yes, you do. You can't lie to me about that. Everyone on our team says you always win. Vigor's minion here is even telling me you win every round you play. You have to remember that we aren't part AI.
Cyan: Yeah, can you give Vigor back his minion. He has been hovering over me all day.
Elvira: You're missing the point here Cyan.
Cyan: Just play one game with me please.
Elvira: *thinks for a second and then sighs* Fine. Just one game
*middle of game*
Elvira: So.. What are you thankful for Cyan?
Cyan: *looks up while making a move* Seriously? Why the hell are you asking me what I'm thankful for? You're about to lose.
Elvira: Answer the question please.
Cyan: Is this why you agreed to play one game with me? To ask me what I'm thankful for?
Elvira: Precisely.
Cyan: You're unbelievable.
Elvira: I told you I would play one game with you. Now you owe me your answer.
Elvira: Cyan, your android brain should know I do this shit every year. Why are you so surprised I asked you?
Cyan: *sigh* Very well *rolls eyes* I am thankful for caffeine.
Elvira: Best one yet Cyan😉
Cyan: I detect sarcasm.
Elvira: Not at all. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I get myself a cup of coffee. An incredibly great thing to be thankful for.
Cyan: *makes the last move* You lost.
Elvira: *folds her arms and giggles* Damn.
Cyan: What?
Elvira: Want to get some coffee?
Cyan: Absolutely.
After Elvira and Cyan drank coffee together, Vigor approaches Elvira and asks if she'll join him to visit his salon

*arrives at Vigor's salon*
Elvira: So.. Why am I here?
Vigor: I wanted to do your hair. Is that okay?
Elvira: Oh. I thought you needed my help with your salon.
Vigor: Why would you think that?
Elvira: Every time I'm taken, or I bring myself to your salon, you ask to help you with something.
Vigor: Fair. Well, today is different. I brought you here to do your hair and makeup. I know what you've been doing all month so while I style you up, I will tell you what I'm thankful for.
*both head inside. Vigor has Elvira sit down and he prepares all of his supplies*
Elvira: So, what is your plan with my hair?
Vigor: I want to curl your hair, if that's okay.
Elvira: Sure! I never really do anything fancy with my hair.
Vigor: You'll look great.
Elvira: As a professional, I would hope you make anyone look great.
Vigor: I at least hope I do.
Elvira: *smiles* What will you being doing for my makeup? Can you do winged eyeliner?
Vigor: Absolutely. Your makeup will be a natural look as well.
Elvira: So, Vigor. What are you thankful for?
Vigor: Right. I am thankful for my salon, my brother Thorn, and I'm thankful for you. Without you or my brother, I wouldn't have this salon. So, thank you Elvira.
Elvira: You've worked very hard to get where you're at and I'm very proud of you😊
Vigor: *hugs Elvira from behind*
Elvira: 😳 You never give these. I kind of like it.
Vigor: Don't get used to it.
Elvira: Guess I should consider this extra special.
Vigor: Indeed. That hug was a very special hug. Cherish it.
Elvira: In your dreams😌
*both laugh together*
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