Merry Christmas!!

Published on 25 December 2021 at 11:21


This blog does contain swearing & some alcohol consumption!!

Merry Christmas🎄

Two weeks before Christmas


Silkut: Brrr. It has gotten really cold *Silkut raises both of her mitten covered hands to keep her face warm*


Willow: *dragon grumbles*


Silkut: Well then I guess we better hurry before everyone becomes suspicious.


Willow: *dragon mischievous noises*


Silkut: Yes, I'm also getting Vigor a present *blushes intensely*


Willow: *flirtatious dragon noises*


Silkut: No! I don't like him like that. Please let's drop this subject and focus on buying presents.


Willow: 😏

Silkut argues with Willow when….


*Silkut bumps into Noiz*


Noiz: Silkut?


Silkut: Noiz! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?


Noiz: Yes. You seemed to be lost in thought. Explains why you bumped into me.


Ren: Ruff ruff!


Silkut: *angry blushing* I'm just a little stressed.


Noiz: Oh? What about?


Silkut: Christmas presents. Whatever, it doesn't matter. What are you doing out here? I thought you were on a mission with Elvira.


Noiz: Our mission finished an hour ago. I've been asked to retrieve an item.


Silkut: Is that why you have that uhh.. music box? 🤨


Noiz: Correct. It plays Christmas music *Noiz grabs the music box's handle and begins to turn it* See.


Silkut: Interesting. What is it for?


Noiz: The Christmas Festival Mentor Saelac is running.


Silkut: I see. Well, since you're out and about, would you be interested in joining me for Christmas shopping?


Noiz: Hmm🤔 I need to buy a present for Thorn so, why not.


Silkut: You sound thrilled.


Noiz: I'm very thrilled.


Silkut: Right😑


Willow: *dragon noises*


Silkut: Willow says, "let's go." So, we should get a move on.


Noiz: If the dragon says so.


Silkut: 🙄 *in head* I don't understand him sometimes.

Not too far from Silkut & Noiz


Desiree: Is this uhh actually one of Vigor's minions?


Elvira: Yes. Isn't he cute!😊 He's in a disguise so he doesn't scare any of the little kids around the town.


Minion: *soft snores*


Desiree: Is he sleeping on my head?


Elvira: Yupp😁


Desiree: Ughhh🙄 Remind me why we needed to bring him with us.


Elvira: He's assisting us with our gifts. We have a lot to bring back with us *takes a picture of the disguised demon and shows Desiree* Come on, you have to admit he's a cutie.


Desiree: *stares at it for a while*🤨 Hmmm.. Alright, he's slightly cute. I'll at least give the little stinker that.



Desiree & Elvira return to Embergear Headquarters with their gifts and hide them to wrap together later. Both go their separate ways for the time being. Elvira goes looking for Grim when Evalon notices Elvira and takes off to catch up to her


Evalon: ELVIRA!


Elvira: *turns to her name being called* Evalon?


Evalon: *catches up to Elvira, breathing heavily*


Elvira: Are you okay!? You look like you just ran a marathon.


Evalon *still breathing heavily* I-I noticed you were walking around the grounds a couple miles away. I needed to catch up to you.


Elvira: Wouldn't it have been easier for you to call me?


Evalon: I guess that was an option.


Elvira: *slightly laughs* Good lord Evalon.


Evalon: Cardio baby.


Elvira: *chuckles* I guess so. What was so important that you needed to run all the way here?


Evalon: *reaches into her coat* Here! Merry Christmas Elvira! For the best Mentor ever😁


Elvira: Evalon🥺 Thank you! Umm.. *looks at Evalon in confusion*


Evalon: I figured you'd look at me like that. My parents are coming here for Christmas and I'm going to spend my time with them.


Elvira: Oh gotcha. Guess I should give you your present too.


Evalon: I have some stuff to take care of first. How about later tonight?


Elvira: That's perfect! I needed to talk to Grim.


Evalon: Before you go, open your present!


Elvira: *smiles* Very well. *opens gift gracefully* 😍 YOU DIDN'T!


Evalon: I DID😁 The hunting knife has a feature where you can insert your power into it.




*both embrace each other tightly*

After Evalon & Elvira went their separate ways, Elvira began to search for Grim


*Elvira hears children laughing & yelling* 


Elvira:*Elvira enters the nursery* Babe?


Grim: Elvira! Thank god! *Shape-shifter children climbing all over Grim*


Elvira: *goes over to help* Kids, please don't smother Grim. He's giving you guys presents and this is how you treat him? Hmm?


Wolf child: We sowrry Ewira


Fox child: Yeaa. We be nice.




Elvira: If you guys are nice to Grim, you can continue to stay with him. If not, Grim leaves with me.


All four children: No!! We be nice!


Grim: *takes a deep breath in and whispers to self* You're doing this for the kids, you're doing this for the kids, you're doing this for the kids.


Elvira: *speaks to Grim telepathically* I'm sorry babe. Saelac really wants to torture you this year.


Grim: *speaks back telepathically* I'm not surprised anymore. I don't mind kids. It's just-


Elvira: High energy.


Grim: *quickly looks at the children*


All four children: *playing with their gifts, not paying attention*


Grim: Yes. A lot of high energy😪


Elvira: *kisses Grim's cheek* You're amazing my love😊


Grim: 😳 *Grabs Elvira's waist & pulls her close to him* *kisses Elvira*


Dog child: No kissing! Get out! Banned, banned!


Grim & Elvira:😂😂

Day of Christmas


*Vigor decided to try virtual gaming*


Vigor: Holy shit. Noiz wasn't kidding. Virtual gaming is really cool. It is Christmas so naturally; I will do a Christmas first-person shooting game. I should invite Silkut. She might enjoy this.

Out of the Headquarters


Ava: Alright girls. It is almost time for battle. You two know what to do.


Twins: Yes Ava!!


Ava: When you girls finish your snacks, we will ride to WAR!!


Twins: YEAHH!!!

Ava and the twins prepare their snowballs for battle


Thorn: Ava!


Twins: Thorn! You made it! 😁


Ava: What's happening?


Thorn: I got a call from Rin and Raina to help win this snowball fight.


Ava: Oh my god bet! You go girls!


Twins: We try😇


Ava: Let's get this win🤘


Thorn: Yeahh! Team B is going down!!


Twins: YEAH!!

The window above the snowball war


Argos: I hate the snow. How can they have so much fun with it? Whatever. I'm going to enjoy my Christmas by the fireplace with some hot chocolate and a good action packed book.

After having a chat with her parents, Elvira rushes into the guest room where Cyan is


Cyan: 🤨


Elvira: *immediately walks over to the wine station and pours herself a huge glass*


Cyna: Elvira…


Elvira: Cyan. *she raises her glass in the air* Cheers.


Cyan: *confused look* Cheers.. You never drink with me. Something is wrong with you.


Elvira: I've had drinks with you before.


Cyan: No, Elvira. You haven't ever. You prefer not to drink at all.


Elvira: *silence*


Cyan: Elvira.


Elvira: * sighs* *downs her wine* My parents asked me when I'm having children…


Cyan: Wow. You and Grim aren't even married yet.


Elvira: That's what I told them! Are they also forgetting about creed rules in marriage?! I'm also a Chief Leader! I have to talk to Mentor Saelac before I even think about having kids.


Cyan: Do you want kids?


Elvira: I don't know…


Cyan: Then tell them that.


Elvira: You don't know my parents.


Cyan: Yes, I do. I'm a humanoid. I know everything about everybody. They will accept what you believe in because you are their daughter.


Elvira: Cyan..🥺


Cyan: I don't do sappy. Now can we enjoy some delicious wine together?


Elvira: 🙂 I would like that. Merry Christmas Cyan😌


Cyan: *smirks* Merry Christmas Chief Leader Elvira.

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