Happy New Years

Published on 1 January 2022 at 00:25


This blog does contain swearing

Happy New Year✨🎆

New Year's Eve: Thorn & Noiz enjoying the New Years festival


Thorn: Babe lets try this stand!


Noiz: Okay. Be careful there's people everywhere.


Thorn: I am😁 *isn't careful and runs into someone & falls*


Noiz: Thorn! I told you to be careful!


Ava: Jesus Thorn. Ouch.


Thorn: Ava?! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?


Ava: I'm fine. You okay?


Thorn: I am. Sorry. I'm a little too excited.


Ava: No kidding.


Noiz: *Comes up behind Thorn* Thorn. I told you to be careful.


Thorn: I'm sorry😔


Noiz: It's okay. Let's just continue to move through the festival.


Ava: Wait *sighs* I'm supposed to stay with you two.


Noiz: Why?


Ava: Wow. Why do you sound so offended? I thought we were getting along.


Noiz: You're one to talk. You always have an attitude when you have to do something you dislike. Like right now.


Thorn: Can we stop arguing. It's New Year's eve let's all have some fun huh?


Ava: I agree.


Noiz: *grumbles*


Thorn: Target practice? I thought Saelac didn't want stands like these.


Ava: I may or may not have convinced him to put some of these stands throughout the festival.


Thorn: You shouldn't have! *runs over to stand and immediately begins*


Noiz: Thorn is a natural when it comes to hitting or shooting targets.


Thorn: *hits every target*


Ava: Holy shit 😶


Noiz: That's my boyfriend *smirks* 


Ava: Where did you two get those outfits by the way? Why not wear something normal?


Noiz: Thorn's idea. I don't mind. I don't understand why I need this fan though.


Ava: * giggles* These outfits are definitely something Thorn would choose.


Ava: Why did I have to get stuck with you two🤦‍♀️


Thorn: Come on Ava it's just taking a picture of me and Noiz.


Ava: I've literally had to follow you two around everywhere all day today.


Noiz: Please just take the picture so we can watch the ball drop and enjoy the fireworks.


Ava: Finee. 1 2 3, smile! *looks at picture* Hmm *studies picture* You two umm, are actually a cute couple.


Thorn: Thank you Ava🥺


Ava: *hands phone back to Noiz* The ball is about to drop, why don't we take a seat.


Thorn: Happy New Year Ava😁


Noiz: Yeah, Happy New Year🙂


Ava: * surprised but smirks* Happy New Year guys😌

Grim & Elvira enjoy the New Years festival before the ball drops


Grim: Elvira, let's go over to that stand.


Elvira: Lead the way😊


Grim: *takes one of the bowls from the stand* Here babe. Have some Hina Arare. It's very good🙂


Elvira: Very well *eats a few* Wow. These are really good😁


Grim: *notices she has a few crumbs on her face* *wipes them off for her*


Elvira: *surprised but happy* Thank you hun.


Grim: Of course *smirks & kisses Elvira* Happy New Year love.


Elvira: Happy New Year darling *Elvira & Grim kiss as fireworks go off in front of them*

Somewhere else

Three hours before midnight


Silkut: *runs over to dining room table* Vigor! I got the frappuccinos!


Vigor: Excellent. They look delicious😌


Silkut: *hands Vigor his*


Vigor: Thank you Silkut. Have a seat and enjoy your meal before the ball drops.


Silkut: Thank you Vigor. It all looks so delicious! Thank you for the meal😁


Vigor: Of course. Thank you for joining me for New Years. I usually spend it alone. Making you a meal is the least I could do.


Silkut: Vigor🥺 I don't understand why people dislike you. You're very sweet and I- *blushes* I enjoy your company.


Vigor: 😳

After their feast


Vigor: I've set up all of the pillows so we're comfortable.


Silkut: Awesome. Thank you!


*both sit down to watch the fireworks*


Vigor: Would you like to listen to some music too? *hands her one of his earbuds*


Silkut: Sure *slides a little closer to him* *puts the earbud in her ear & closes her eyes*


Vigor: *blushes from the sight of Silkut* 


Silkut: Happy New Year, Vigor😊


Vigor: Happy New Year, Silkut😌

Both continued to watch the fireworks as the new year set in

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