Happy Valentine's Day

Published on 14 February 2022 at 13:34


This blog contains swearing

Happy Valentine's Day💘

So.. I absolutely HATE Valentine's Day. I'm sure a lot of you can relate. But recently, I've been thinking that Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day all about couples and their lovey dovey relationship. So, Valentine's Day for me is just celebrating it with the people I love and cuddling my baked potato.

Sadly, I had to put down my other potato a few days ago💔 I was hoping he'd make it to Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, his cancer caught up to him quickly and he was immobile. It broke my heart watching him suffer so I decided it was best for him to ascend to heaven.

Now, I love my characters. So, because I love them, I will give them their Valentine's Day with their significant other because yes, partners are very much important too😊 I may or may not have thrown some salt in there as well. You gotta have some on Valentine's Day if you're single😂

Day before Valentine's Day


Desiree: Why did I sign up for this *heavily sighs*


*Elvira walks into the Headquarters kitchen*


Desiree: Here for more I presume? *tastes the chocolate batter*


Elvira: Yes. Grim is holding the fort till I get back.


Desiree: On top of baking while running the shop?


Elvira: Grim knows how to multi-task.


Desiree: You give him too much credit.


Elvira: Could you do it?


Desiree: Of course. Is that even a question?


Elvira: 🤨 You're chocolate cupcakes are burning.


Desiree: 😵 *rushes to the oven*


Elvira: *giggles* While you deal with that, I'll be taking the chocolates you made for the shop. We'll split payment when we close the shop for today *walks over to kitchen door to leave & turns head towards Desiree* You've got batter on your face by the way.


Desiree: Shut up! Would you leave already! I have goods to bake and music to jam out to.


Elvira: Don't burn anything else please *silently giggles*




Elvira: *laughs while leaving the kitchen* 

At The Valentine Baked Goods Shop


*Elvira returns to the shop*


Grim: Welcome back *skillfully mixes melted chocolate*


Elvira: Did I miss the rush?


Grim: It's been slow thankfully. It gave me some time to restock the sweets. Now I'm working on making the chocolate dragons.


Elvira: Yess😁 Guess I better get things ready before the rush happens again.


Grim: Please. I have many more sweets to make. How's Desiree doing?


Elvira: Just fine. I brought down the sweets she made. They sell really well like your churros.


Grim: It's been popping this year with sweets. I hope Desiree can handle making baked goods and sweets all day.


Elvira: She'll be fine😊


Grim: Mmm I don't know about that. Your voice and that fake smile tells me otherwise.


Elvira: Let's just worry about selling our great products for Valentine's day so we can make the town happy as well as ourselves, yes?


Grim: Yes.


Elvira: You sure you're enjoying this? You don't seem too thrilled.


Grim: I'm enjoying this. I love baking and making sweets. Especially with you here. It's fun and we make a great team.


Elvira: Yes, we do😄 Love you Grim.


Grim: I love you too.

Morning Of Valentine's Day


*Elvira knocks on Cyan's door*


Cyan: *Pulls up a monitor with her eyes to access her door answering system* Hello?


Elvira: Hey! Would you like to go out for breakfast?


Cyan: Yeah, that's a no.


Elvira: Come on Cyan. Don't be like this.


Cyan: I know what you're trying to do! You can't outsmart me, a half android by the way. Valentine's day does not exist. I am not going anywhere with you and Grim. I see his ass behind you! I am staying in my house all day and enjoying my day off. Bye *click*


Elvira: This is what happens when you're nice to Cyan. Come on babe. I really want an omelet.

Outside Of The Embergear Headquarters


Silkut: Vigor *blushes*


Vigor: Yes? *slightly blushing*


Silkut: I umm.. *clears throat & looks away* I don't really believe in Valentine's Day but, I thought I'd get you a present. I feel it's necessary.


Vigor: Silkut…😳 *takes present* Thank you. I have a present for you too. Close your eyes.


Silkut: 🤨


Vigor: Just trust me.


Silkut: *slowly closes her eyes & holds her hands open*


Vigor: *gets closer to Silkut* *slips his mask off, leans in & kisses Silkut's left cheek*


Silkut: *gasps & backs away a little*


Vigor: Forgive me. I didn't mean to spook you.


Silkut: No, it's okay. I was just.. surprised *looks down, blushing intensely* Thank you for the present. I liked it *looks up at Vigor with a red face, smiling*


Vigor: *surprised but, happy with her response* Since we both don't like Valentine's Day and my brother does, would you join me into dressing him up for Noiz?


Silkut: You're okay with Noiz now?


Vigor: He takes good care of my brother so, yes.


Silkut: *laughs & smiles* As long as I can stay by your side then, absolutely I would love to join you😊


Vigor: 😁


Silkut: 😳


That was the first time Silkut saw Vigor genuinely smile.

An hour later


Vigor: Brother, please stop blowing bubbles in my face and stay still. I don't want to mess up. I know you're bored but I want to make sure everything is perfect. Don't you want to look good for Noiz?


Thorn: *heavily sighs* Finee.


Vigor: Silkut, can you please bring the wig.


Silkut: Of course *brings wigs to Vigor*


Vigor: Thank you Sil. Now, what lipstick would you like, Thorn?


Thorn: Hmmm. There are so many good ones to choose from. Silkut, can you give me previews?


Silkut: Sure! *puts first one on*


Thorn: Hmm. That one looks good but it's too dark. Next one please.


Silkut: *removes lipstick & puts on a different color*


Thorn: It's pretty! It's too red for the outfit I'm going to wear though. Hm. Well maybe I need it in a different perspective *Thorn wiggles his eyebrows at Silkut*


Silkut: 🤨 *thinks for a second* *mouths to Thorn: Ohhh* *walks up to Vigor & kisses his right cheek* How about now? Color still too red?


Thorn: Yeah. That's alright. Onto the next.


Vigor: *standing in shock*


Silkut: *takes off lipstick & puts a new color on* Sooo?


Thorn: That's perfect! I'll do that one. *notices Vigor standing still with his eyes wide open* Uhhh, brother? You, okay?


Vigor: *blinks rapidly a few times* Yeah. I'm good. You're going to go with this one then?


Thorn: Yes please *winks at Silkut*

That Night When Noiz Returns Home


Thorn: Happy Valentine's my love! I love you, Noiz😁✌️


Noiz: 😳 *in head: Oh.. My… God. I'm going to destroy him tonight*


Thorn: Noiz? You alright? Is it too much?


Noiz: *approaches Thorn swiftly & pulls him close to his body* Not at all *kisses Thorn passionately*

A few minutes later


*Noiz leads Thorn to their living room, where presents lay next to their cherry blossom shoji sliding doors, which leads to their back porch*


Noiz: I got you some gifts. You can open them later.


Thorn: Noiz! There's so many!


Noiz: Is it not okay for me to spoil you? You have spoiled me.


Thorn: *sighs & smiles* So stubborn. Well, It's a beautiful night. What are you going to do? 


Noiz: *unties his tie & unbuttons part of his shirt* *Noiz walks up to Thorn and hugs him* Thorn, only you can make me feel this way.


Thorn: *squeezes Noiz, feeling loved & safe* You are my world, Noiz.


Noiz: I love you *grabs Thorn's chin & kisses him*

Evalon's Residence


Evalon: For all the single ladies and gents out there, this drink is for you. Screw Valentine's Day! Throw yourself a singles party like me, because you deserve it! Be your own Valentine! You are incredible✌️😘✌️


Love, Evalon🧡

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