Blog contains swearing
Sooooo. I can explain😂 I really did mean to post this on Easter, but life happened. I know Easter is wayyy past now but, I think I will post it anyways😂 I hope ya'll enjoy little snippets of my potatoes, Gordo and Mochi😊


Argos: On Easter, some people believe it's all about bunny rabbits, eggs, and candy. Many others celebrate Easter because of their God. Our culture is based on our ancient animals. They are our source of power, and they are what we celebrate on Easter.

Morning of Easter

Silkut: Bubbles!😁 Vigor we need more bubble solution pronto!
Vigor: You really like bubbles don't you.
Silkut: It's been so nice out lately. I finally have a chance to let these bubbles fly! Plus, when the sun hits them just right, rainbows shimmer everywhere. It's mesmerizing.

Vigor: *watches all the bubbles floating around* Wow. They really are memorizing.
Silkut: What did I tell you *blows more bubbles* Ahh so pretty😌
Vigor: Agreed. They're so many of them.
Silkut: And there's more to come!😁
Vigor: *chuckles and thinks to himself* She makes me feel so alive.


Ava: With part of the team gone and enjoying themselves elsewhere, I can finally enjoy myself walking around Embergear, organizing my deck of cards. Bliss👌

Middle of the day

Grim: You're really obsessed with rabbits huh. Aren't you embarrassed Thorn?
Thorn: Not at all. I think he's adorable😊
Grim: Interesting.
Noiz: If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Nobody is stopping you. And take a carrot with you so you can shove it up your a-
Thorn: Noiz! Don't give in. Just ignore him. Grim is obviously not in a good mood today.

Grim: Guess y'all are whipped.
Thorn: You're one to talk Grim😑
Grim: I am not whipped.
Thorn: I beg to differ but whatever Grim. I'm not letting your nasty attitude ruin our Easter. Come on Noiz, I'll dance for you somewhere else.
Elvira: *snickers*
Grim: What are you laughing at?
Elvira: Nothing. Just, you're a dick when you're moody. Everyone hates you when you act this way. It's kind of entertaining.
Grim: I am not being a dick.
Elvira: Mmhmm🤨 I don't know what you're pissed about but let's take you somewhere else.

*Elvira dresses Grim*
Elvira: No! Keep that blindfold on.
Grim: You said this would cheer me up. I sense nothing cheerful about this.
Elvira: It's a very cheerful outfit.
Grim: Elvira Mondragon😑
*Elvira places Grim in front of a movable mirror*
Elvira: Tadaa👐
Grim: *tips his hat & takes it off* It's not bad.
Elvira: You're lying.
Grim: No, I'm not. It's really not bad.
Elvira: Babe. I know your lying face and voice. Your frikin lying. Just tell me the truth.
Grim: Alright then. What the fuck is this? Why did you make me wear this?
Elvira: To show you you're just as whipped.
Grim: OH, MY G-
Elvira: You set yourself up for this. Serves you right! Now apologize to everyone you were mean to today in these clothes, NOW. I will be following to make sure you do it.
Grim: Why are you doing this to me babe?!
Elvira: Maybe have a better attitude. Stop taking your anger out on others when you can take it out at the combat arena. Now let's get a move on and get this over with so we can enjoy our Easter like everyone else. Okay?
Grim: *grumbling sounds*
Elvira: I will kick your ass Grim Slade.
Grim: Fine, fine. Let's go.
Elvira: 😌

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